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The GenSex Chronicles - 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 736 words) [4/8] show all parts

Author: Devlin Picture in profile
Added: Jun 25 2001Views / Reads: 5202 / 2 [0%]Part vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Tommy is realizing his greatest fantasy and living a potential nightmare. The GenSex is in control now. Not him.

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The GenSex Chronicles

Part IV

Mrs. Tietlebaum called my mother two more times that week for odd jobs, saying her husband’s back was hurting him. So I would go over there to “mow the lawn” or “trim the hedges.” Marnie, as she wanted me to call her, was so horny she didn’t even need the GenSex on the third encounter. She was sitting in a silk robe in the living room when I got there. She dropped it off her shoulders to her wrists and she posed seductively in her portly nakedness. Everything sagged, though the extra chub at least gave her some kind of figure. She had a ton of makeup and perfume on, too. It was hard for me to get into it.

That is until she put her lips on my head. From there it was pure magic.

Mrs. Fazio didn’t call on me for over a week and I wondered what was up with her. I had seen Joey a few times and he was slowly starting to warm back up to me. A crisis avoided, I thought. One Friday night Joey called and said he wanted to hang out with Kristy Mullen and those hos down the block. I went over to meet him at his house.

I never knock when I go to their house. I haven’t since I was like 8. So into their house I went and right up the stairs to Joey’s room in the ...

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