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Sexploration in an Army hospitalthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:oral sex, 2646 words)

Author: JayJay
Added: Jun 25 2001Views / Reads: 2833 / 2427 [86%]Story vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
Rest & recuperation take on new meaning at this Army hospital

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Following minimal sexual experience in college, I found myself in the Army, of all places. Take a guy who has discovered very pleasurable sexual encounters with other guys... and stick him in a dormitory with sixty other guys. Almost by definition, at least twenty percent of these young men are gonna be in the "hunk" category. Well... there's gonna be lotsa temptation abounding. I quickly found, however, that basic training allowed virtually no time for even daydreaming. And though I often saw swinging dicks and hot bods that would otherwise have sent me over the edge, I was usually so near complete physical exhaustion that it made no difference.

That all changed at the end of the third week of Basic Training... when I found myself in the hospital with two broken legs! Good News: your not doing calisthenics every minute of the day... Bad News: you have "nothing" to do all day. You're on bed rest and can't even move for several weeks, followed by slowly regaining ambulatory capabilities.

So I had nothing to do but lay there in bed, in a ward filled with thirty or forty other guys, all of whom are in pajamas twenty-four hours a day, and all of whom are young and horny and spend all of their waking hours telling each other how they would like to solve that problem!

Except for jerking off into a kleenex frequently, things were pretty boring until I finally regained the abilities to get out of bed and ...

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