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The Tapethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:masturbation, 1765 words)

Author: BritGrrl
Added: Jun 28 2001Views / Reads: 10972 / 8674 [79%]Story vote: 8.71 (7 votes)
A curious girl finds an unlabelled video tape

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The Tape By Britster

It was Friday night and I was home alone for a change. My older sister had moved out to her own place and my parents were out for the evening with friends so I had the run of the house to myself. I wandered from room to room, bored. There was nothing on television – even the premium channels were repeats of things I’d seen at the theaters. I walked into Ali’s old bedroom and looked around. The furniture was still there; she’d moved into a furnished place. The closet door was agape, showing the empty closet rod and shelves. From my vantage point across the room, I could barely discern the corner of something in the very back of the highest shelf. Curious, I moved the chair from the vanity over to the closet, climbed up, and reached into the back of the closet shelf.

It was a video tape. It didn’t have any kind of label on it to say what was on it. The only indication something was recorded on the tape was the broken write-protect tab. I took the tape into my room and pushed into my VCR. I sat down on the edge of my bed and turned on the TV, then pressed PLAY on the remote control. The volume was turned way down but I could still hear the cheesy background music. Obviously, very low budget. A list of actresses I’d never heard of scrolled across the screen as a city skyline was shown. Obviously Los Angeles in a light smog day. The scene shifted to a woman’s bedroom. There was the sound of a shower running, then being turned off. Moments ...

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