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The GenSex Chronicles - 6this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 3025 words) [6/8] show all parts

Author: Devlin Picture in profile
Added: Jul 02 2001Views / Reads: 5089 / 4593 [90%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Tommy is getting more daring with the stuff. He's set some challenges and the first is a birthday gift to himself. See what the secret potion does to his spinster English teacher from high school.

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The GenSex Chronicles - 6

By Devlin

After Kelly, I felt indomitable. I went back to my man who was providing me with the GenSex and scored up a double pack. It cost me $150 bucks, but it was well worth it. He even commented that I had to have found some new freaky use for the shit.

Heh. I laughed. If only you knew.

While everyone was wasting this stuff trying to get young girls to put out, I was notching my belt up and down the neighborhood. Joanne was a thrilling surprise. Marnie was a wild follow-up. And Kelly just blew me away.

I had to push the stakes higher. So I set a plan. Goals. College was starting in a few weeks. I wanted to achieve my goals by then.

The first was a sort-of birthday gift to myself. It seemed a relatively easy score and with the stuff, it would be. All I had to do was find the catch and set the bait.

My target was my high school English teacher, Ms. Bradford. I had her in ninth and 11th grades and even though she was hardly a fox, she had ...

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