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The Storm With INthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 926 words)

Author: lark d'hancia
Added: Jul 02 2001Views / Reads: 2286 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
I discover when pleasuring myself just how close lightning can strike close to home!

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The Storm With-in

I was sitting at my computer, idly playing a game of Solitaire, vaguely aware of the grinding sound of race cars on the TV, when suddenly I noticed the trees outside beginning to sway and dance in an unexpected breeze. For more than three days, the temperature had been in the 90’s and the humidity...well, it was SO wet, I walked around sweating all day long. So this breeze, slight as it was, was very welcome. I got up and opened all the windows that were able to be opened. As I got back to the last window, which happened to be just next to my computer, I suddenly became aware of how dark it had become outside...and it was only 3 pm!!!! Oh goody! I thought to myself...a storm. That’s usually the way it is...a build-up of humidity and then...BAM!!

Well, I gotta say, this storm came in such a rush, I don’t think there was even a “calm before the storm” period. The rain pounded down, cascading off the metal roof. The sound of the rain on the metal roof was like listening to a snare drum! The breeze coming through all the windows I had opened was at least 10 degrees cooler than it had been. It was TERRIFIC!!

AND THEN!!! The house shook with the thunder...it was THAT close! I’m not one scared by thunder and lightning, in fact, I rather enjoy such storms, especially at night. But, I was on-line to the internet and I knew about the electrical qualities of lightning being able to come ...

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