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By Way of Cartagenathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 6942 words)

Author: EroticDreams2002 Picture in profile
Added: Jul 10 2001Views / Reads: 2481 / 1794 [72%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
This story is about the love of a man and the desires of a woman......Deep Passion, Explicit Sex and Pure Romance!!

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By Way of Cartagena

It was mid December and the ship was about to leave the port of Ft. Lauderdale. Her and her husband had traveled on many cruises in the past but this one for her was to try and rekindle there romance they once had together.

As they arrived in Cartagena, He chose to dive off the north point of Columbia. She of course preferred to shop, as she knew that Columbia had the best Emerald's in the world. As a child she use to have dreams of finding a spectacular Princess Cut Emerald. She headed towards town.

It was early morning and the air was thick in humidity and she felt sticky already. She browsed a few shops but none gave her the satisfaction she was looking for, nor the emerald. As she rounded the next corner a sign stood out on the sidewalk stating "Columbia Emeralds 30% OFF". It wasn't much of a deal but she chose to enter anyway. The store was well lit and beautiful like Tiffany's. As she ran her hand across the counter she carefully examined each piece for inclusions, luster, and color.

There it was! An exquisite princess cut 16-carat gem. But without stopping, knowing it was out of her league, she continued till another yet much smaller piece appeared. The tag read $1200.00. She chose to ...

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