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Amythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1820 words)

Author: Doe
Added: Jul 13 2001Views / Reads: 2189 / 1819 [83%]Story vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
An adolescent is pondering about this girl whom he thinks he's in love with. She's staying at his house for a couple of days. And then, in the middle of the night, she enters his room and what happens next is something he'll never forget.

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There I am...just laying there on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Wondering about the mysteries of the universe. The radio is on playing alternative music that I'm not even listening to. My thoughts drift off to Amy. Amy. Pochi. We had known each other for long time. And then...then she decided to leave home and go off on her own. She finally made her way down to me, in Texas. She always put herself down, her life, looks, everything. I don't know why. I found her attractive and a good friend. I liked her a lot but I didn't know how to say it. She was barely shorter than me, which is short since I am short. She says she's is Japanese and Hawaiian. I don't know if that's a good mix or a bad one. She was sleeping in one of the guest rooms. I still couldn't believe that my parents let her stay for as long as she wants. I didn't want her to go because I finally had someone there for me. Someone to hold me, to talk to, to touch, to watch the stars with, and to have a lap for my head. It was around 2 am when this was going on. I had the curtain opened so the only light coming in the room was from the moonlight and some street lights from the back of the neighborhood. Then I heard my door open. My space couch was in between the door and the leg of bed, which decreases the door "opennage". At first I rotated my torso and rested on my right elbow and looked back behind toward the door, since I decided instead of sleeping at the head of the bed I'd rather sleep at the foot because then the window would be at my side. I looked to see who it was, until I suddenly remembered that I was naked under my bed sheets. I pulled up the comforter over my chest and looked back. I saw a little head poke out. It was Amy. I let out a sigh and ...

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