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Noni's Tales: Second Swing With Tanya & Ramonthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 1831 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Noni
Added: May 23 2000Views / Reads: 490 / 401 [82%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
We all agreed we had a great time last time we all met. So why stopping? We got together again!

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Second Swing with Tanya & Ramon (Saturday, 3th July 1999)

After our first 'encounter' we didn't see each other for two weeks as we all had 'no-escape' obligations the next weekend. But the weekend after that was great again! We invited Tanya & Ramon again for a visit! I guess we were all a little bit anxious to meet again as it still was kinda new for all of us. We had discovered a completely new way of enjoying our sex lives together and to be honest, I think it never was as satisfying as it is now! We felt like we had new discoveries to make each weekend and for a while so we did! I will be eternally grateful to Anna-Maria for being open like she is and giving me (us!) the opportunity to evolve this way. I think I would have degraded to a sexually frustrated man if I would have had a 'normal' sex-life for the rest of my life! I had already lost a little bit of appetite for straight sex. We started off having sex 3 times a day but in less than a year it went down to 3 times a week! Nowadays (including other partners) we have sex about 15 times a week! (we peak in the weekends ). We also made up some rules for ourselves to avoid jealousy or worse: - We will NEVER have sex with anybody else except when being together. A 'peeper' situation is allowed but having sex with somebody you meet on your work, at some club or something comparable is out of the question! - Until now we've had unprotected sex with Ramon and Tanya. Although both girl used protection and we trusted each other it still was a risk! If we would establish a longer relationship with somebody we would all test ourselves on diseases. Ramon and Tanya had tested ...

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