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The Humiliator. Chapter 24this story is part of the FanClub (mm:domination, 1048 words) [25/39] show all parts

Author: Hugh Miliator
Added: Jul 15 2001Views / Reads: 369 / 251 [68%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Patterns of Servitude. A pause to reflect on events to date and to look ahead.

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Chapter Twenty Four


For the next six years I was owned by Brigadier Hugh Markman-Ryder of Manor Farm, Sterndale, Derbyshire and was very happy to be so.

One of the remarkable things about him was his ability to surprise me, to keep me constantly on my toes by his seemingly inexhaustable sexual imagination so that a visit to him never became a predictable routine. Nevertheless there were certain patterns on which variations were played and those patterns were laid down right from these first two visits.

For example, frequency. The six week gap between the first and second visits was quite typical. Four weeks was the shortest, thirteen weeks the longest. Over those six years, five visits a year was the average, some 30 in all. In between were the regular Monday phone call reports - and I had learned on my second visit that I missed one of those at my peril! Regular they were, but predictable they were not. I never knew whether I'd get just a grunt of acknowledgement, a string of abuse, detailed instructions or orders to masturbate then and there. (Even in a public phone box!)

The pattern of visits was usually to arrive Friday night and be ...

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