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What Are Roommates For?this story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 2649 words)

Author: Peter Handler
Added: Jul 21 2001Views / Reads: 12067 / 10096 [84%]Story vote: 9.00 (12 votes)
A college boy loses his virginity to the woman and two men he shares a house with.

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By Peter Handler

When I was in college, I shared a large four-bedroom house with two other men and a woman. I answered a "roommate wanted" ad on the campus bulletin board and arranged an interview with my prospective roommates. Ted and Frank were two nice-looking, well-groomed city boys and Carol, although not beautiful, was cute and sexy. Their roommate had moved out recently and they needed a replacement for the empty bedroom. I liked them immediately and they seemed to like me. I agreed to their terms, paid my security deposit and rent, and told them that I would move in the following day.

The next morning, I loaded my meager possessions into my car and drove to my new home. As luck would have it, my engine began to overheat and I was forced to pull into a service station. The mechanic told me the fan belt had broken. He was very busy but promised to get to it as soon as he could. Rather than wait for what could have been hours, I decided to walk to my new home and take a nap.

The others weren't there so I assumed that they were attending class. I went to my room and stretched out on the bed. I slept for awhile and awoke to voices coming from downstairs. When I walked out onto the second level and looked down into the livingroom, I got the shock of my ...

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