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dinner with friendsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1573 words)

Author: toffy
Added: Jul 29 2001Views / Reads: 8250 / 3951 [48%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
a lunch date with a married friend ends up with a threesome, and the possibility of more to come

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Dinner With Friends

Despite the fact that we are in our fifties, my wife Kay has remained a beautiful and sexy lady. A healthy lifestyle and workouts at the gym ensure that she still turns heads of guys (and girls) twenty plus years younger. While my physical looks are not on her level, the weights and cycling have kept me in the "cute"and hard category. I feel good that the ladies seem to like me as much as I like them.

Kay and I have lived a fairly vivid fantasy life, and over the years have enjoyed a few of what Kay calls sexual "adventures". Early in our married life she told me during one of our intimate discussions that she was sexually attracted to women as well as very attracted to men. The fact that she was very much a lady only heightened the throbbing in the area of my cock when we discussed this. We had several flirtations and situations that involved kissing and touching with other couples, but nothing that went too far. We even had one couple we decided to go all the way with, but the wife of our friend and I stopped at her stroking my cock while my fingers probed her beautiful pussy, as we knew Kay would not go that far.

It was not until several years later that Kay and I were talking about the incident, and she asked me what had happened on that night, and after I told her she turned to me sheepishly and said "Uh, oh, I'm afraid I went a little farther."She went on to tell me that could see ...

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