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First Timethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 2395 words)

Author: Anita Amanda Love
Added: May 24 2000Views / Reads: 2504 / 1700 [68%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A woman who loves men is given an unexpected opportunity to make love to another woman for the first time.

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As I drove home from the encounter, I remembered the old adage, "Be careful for what you wish; you might just get it."

Just a week earlier, in an attempt to get my lover "off" during an episode of phone sex, I admitted to being curious about making it with a woman. I told him I regretted not being open to that while in college when an opportunity might have presented itself. I meant every word, but always figured the fantasy was safe to ponder; like that was ever really going to happen now!

But the way the last year had gone, I should have guessed that 1999 would be just as bizarre. I was sitting at a table corner in a crowded cappuccino bar enjoying a decaf latte and a sinfully decadent slice of cheesecake when a woman approached me and asked if she could please share my table as none others remained vacant.

"Sure, I'm about finished anyway."

"Oh, don't leave on my account. What are you reading?"

In the conversation that followed, I found myself opening up to this woman, telling jokes and sharing opinions. It seemed as if we had known each other in a past life or something--kindred spirits you might say.

Becoming stiff from sitting in the same chair for a remarkably short two ...

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