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Working Latethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 5137 words)

Author: Philatio
Added: Aug 05 2001Views / Reads: 10582 / 8916 [84%]Story vote: 9.33 (6 votes)
Jennifer has to work late, but her attractive colleague stays behind to give her a hand, and more! Feedback welcomed

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Jennifer awoke in unfamiliar surroundings. The fact that her head was a little clouded from what must have been a fairly serious drinking session didn't help matters. She raised her head and surveyed her surroundings. The sight of lots of little empty spirit bottles, scattered around her on the bed, began to jog her memory. Her flight had gotten in the previous night and she had checked into this hotel, which her company had booked for her. As she had arrived in the early hours, the bar had been closed, and that led to her ruthless attack on the mini-bar. Now aware of her situation, she knew she had to prepare for work, so she crawled from beneath the covers and got into the shower.

As the warm, soothing water washed over her body, Jennifer began thinking about her day ahead in Head Office. Her company, CJT Industries, was in the business of site and property development and expansion, and had many offices in various regions around the country. Jennifer had worked in one of the smaller regional offices for a few years now, and had recently been promoted to the position of manager. This meant that she was now obliged to make frequent business trips to Head Office with the other regional managers to engage in often pointless board meetings with the senior partners. This was another of those business trips, and as she rinsed the shampoo from her hair, she hoped the day would go quickly so she could get as early a flight home as possible. Deciding to not think about work any further until she reached the office, Jennifer turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. ...

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