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Justin and Ithis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 939 words)

Author: feistyfem
Added: Aug 12 2001Views / Reads: 5723 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
A woman remembers her first time. M/f

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5 Years later and I still remember the day Justin, my husband, told me he loved me in vivid detail. Justin and I had been friends since childhood. The kind of friends that tell each other everything and I do mean everything. He told me about his sex life, his friends, and his problems. I knew he loved me and he knew I loved him we hugged and innocently kissed all the time. What Justin didn’t know though was what those innocent kiss and hugs did to me. Each time we saw each other I would walk away and my underwear would always be damp. He didn’t know that I loved him as more than just a friend. He told me all about his girlfriends. He didn’t think anything of it since we talked about everything anyway. Justin is was and still is one of those guys you dream about. He’s about 3 inches over 6 foot. He has an absolutely great body with nice a nice hard stomach and a firm butt. Justin has black hair and amazingly pretty blue eyes fringed by black eyelashes. Looking like that he’s always had plenty of girlfriends. Not that in bigheaded or anything but I always thought I was just as pretty as his girlfriends were. I’m 5 foot 7, with waist length blonde hair, and blue eyes. I’m also pretty stacked. One day Justin seemed pretty upset. He told me that he thought his girlfriend Sara had been cheating on him. I remember that under my breath I had said “ why would she cheat on someone as great as you?” He said what then he latter told me I blushed like a schoolgirl. I wasn’t about to repeat myself but luckily he had heard me he’d just been surprised at what I had said. He then asked me if I had been feeling for him what he’d been feeling for me since I had gotten older and matured. I told him that I’d been in love with him for ...

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