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Time Outthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2250 words)

Author: Jolie Marie Picture in profile
Added: Aug 12 2001Views / Reads: 4494 / 3197 [71%]Story vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
During a short break after a meeting, Sam seeks a little escape.

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Stifling a yawn, I stare at my pad of paper, wishing I was anywhere except here. It's not that I don't love my work, I do, it's just that sometimes - namely when I'm forced to sit through a meeting that does little to my mind except reinforce already known facts about alien technology and science and in the process give it a 'stuffed-with-cottonwool' feeling - I have to wonder why I chose this path instead of one that involves the designations 'eight g's' and 'F16'.

I wouldn't be falling asleep in a plane going faster than my own aggressive driving style, now would I? "Major Carlisle, do you have anything to add?"

Glancing up, I shake my head, somewhat tired of being asked that question every time someone states something - being the base’s 'brain' isn't the world's greatest accolade, despite what people might think, that's for sure. "No." I answer, trying to curb the impatience in my voice. Come on! I feel like shouting, I *know* all this stuff already... we *all* do!

I swear, the once a month, 'lets discuss the technology' and participate in some mutual 'scientific-mumbo-jumbo-babbling' - the last is a direct quote from Captain McFearce, though it should be noted that she thought I was out-of-earshot when he mumbled that - although beneficial in some ways, is for the majority a complete and utter waste of my brain cells. ...

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