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Menage-a-Troisthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3456 words)

Author: Jolie Marie Picture in profile
Added: Aug 13 2001Views / Reads: 6272 / 2304 [37%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
Title says it all... someone made a suggestion to me about a three-some - I doubt these are the three people he meant, though. :) Any comments are gladly welcome, and if you hate it and vote low, tell me why.

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"What the hell are you doing in here?"

Genai looked up from the computer screen. "Dr. Frasier said that I could use her computer, Major Estes."

"Yeah? So where's Edella? This was her office, last time I checked."

"She is ill with a virus, and went home to recuperate. On her way out, she told me that I should do some work on the dictionary she is compiling of Aveloquian and English." Genai leaned back in his chair and stretched. "It is rather tedious, but progress is being made."

Jason stayed in the doorway, glaring. "Why are you still here, anyway? You gave us that doohicky from Aja'ekie, you checked on Alli and I'm sure Edella can see to this little dictionary on her own."

The younger man raised his eyebrows. "I am spending this evening in Samantha's company. Since she will not be through with her work for at least another hour, I thought it best to not distract her, and accomplish something useful at the same time." He frowned at the computer screen. "This keyboard is very strange to work with. We do not use such technology, and the letters are in very unusual places."

Jason didn't answer, trying to mask his irritation. So Sam was going out with Genai tonight, huh? Why? What the hell did she see in him? "You ...

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