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Chasing a Phantomthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 1677 words)

Author: Nepenthe
Added: Aug 16 2001Views / Reads: 4307 / 3680 [85%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
Working in a bar in South Africa I had my first expirence with anal fingering. Her not me. This is a true story, and I would love to get some feedback.

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Jazz isn't just music, it's a way of life, a religion. Warm round tones and clear notes rising into a crescendo of feeling and emotion that is only rivaled by orgasm. It is a sensual overload, a jump-start for the mind and body.

In my younger, stupider days I took some time off from college to travel and work. Some people call it "finding yourself", but I was just trying to get laid as much as possible, and if some adventure happened along the way I wouldn't object. It was during this time in my life that I found myself working in a little jazz club in Cape Town, South Africa. They hired me to be the bouncer. I'm big enough to look the part, and if I got stabbed, no one would care. After all, I'm just an American. No family close by to come looking.

I thought I was in for a few good fights, at the least, but it was a quite bar. They posted a sign on the door with big red letters, "armed security present". Just the sign was enough to keep trouble out. I reminded the owners that I wasn't armed and I didn't think I qualified as security. But they told me the sign would be enough. After all, it had big red letters. The first few weeks passed without incident. I stood in a corner and looked tough. The waitresses would bring me drinks and I would fuck them on my breaks. I picked up the girls that came into the club and took them to my little apartment. Every morning I would tell myself that life just couldn't get any better. For better or worse life has a way of making you eat your words. ...

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