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My Wife's Affairs, Chapter 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3538 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: xchief
Added: Aug 17 2001Views / Reads: 3834 / 3273 [85%]Part vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
We finally agreed to work out a way that I could watch her have sex with other men. This is her first try at it. There will be more.

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In Chapter 2, I told about my confrontation with my wife about her infidelity. After heated discussion and a period of silence, we finally came to an agreement, then had the best sex in our entire 30 years of marriage. She even swallowed my load for the first time ever, even though she had done it for two other men she had affairs with. We have had a couple of other nights that were also great, but it seems that the thing that turns me on the most is when she tells me details about her cheating episodes. I was able to watch her on one occasion, and I shot two loads on the wall of the building as I looked in the window. We have sat down and discussed plans for our future.

I told Susan that I understood why she cheated on me, but that I didn’t like it one bit, and would not tolerate her going behind my back. However if she really needed to fuck others, we could set it up in such a way that I could watch it all take place. This way we could share the enjoyment of her lovemaking, her needs would be taken care of and there would be no dishonesty between us.

She asked me how we could make this happen, how could we set it up. Apparently, she was interested. Deep inside, I was a little upset that she obviously wanted to have sex with a variety of men. Prior to this, I had taken her cherry, and she had affairs with two men, to my knowledge. But, then I thought about all the women I was with before we married and figured she wanted to catch up on missed experience. Who knows, maybe I can experience a little variety myself. It’s been ...

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