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My Wife's Affairs, Chapter 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 2798 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: xchief
Added: Aug 22 2001Views / Reads: 3808 / 3343 [88%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
This story, like the three previous chapters, could be listed under the category "Adultery', but this one describes her first experience with a black man.

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Susan and I have made a routine of going to a hotel near the airport, renting a suite and she would take a man to the room and have a good session of sex with him while I watch from the closet. We have done this about once a month for the last three months. After each session, I would be so turned on from watching that I would quickly empty my balls down her throat as soon as her lover left. A couple of times we had a really hot session ourselves. This has doe wonders for our sex life. Prior to this I had trouble maintaining a hard on.

The recent events seem to have rejuvenated me, but most importantly they have had a very positive effect on our marriage. I know it seems a little crazy that a wife fucking strange men helps a marriage grow stronger, but then you read stories every day about men who try to get their wives to do just that. I don’t consider myself among those who encourage it just to get their kicks. I simply wasn’t satisfying my wife sexually and I figured that, if we didn’t try something drastic, I was in danger of losing her. We are now more in love than ever.

It all started when I caught her in an affair, her second during our marriage. She has admitted that she had her first affair several years ago, but has not filled me in on any details. I have not pushed it, but I will eventually want to hear the story. I had hoped that she would not cheat behind my back as long as we had our agreement about the hotel closet that I mentioned. I have to travel once in a while as part of my business, and had a trip coming up. Susan was beginning to ...

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