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GenSex Chronicles -- Epiloguethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 957 words) [8/8] show all parts

Author: Devlin Picture in profile
Added: Aug 24 2001Views / Reads: 1652 / 1433 [87%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Tommy's dream summer with the magic drug ends with a nightmare. And thus the story ends, too.

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By Devlin

The last episode started an omnipresent tension in the neighborhood. Kristy now knew about Joanne and yet discovered a side of herself she never knew. Clearly it was going to affect things, such as her relationship with Joey, who called her constantly from college. She didn’t want to speak to him. She couldn’t. How could she? She did a three-way with his mom and his best friend. And loved it. And wanted more. From Joanne.

Kristy wasn’t the only one who was a mess. Joanne got worse after that night in her bedroom with me and Kristy. She had been humiliated now to a point she couldn’t fathom. How she, a grown, middle-aged, church-going woman with three children, have explicit sex with two teenagers in her own bedroom was beyond her comprehension. Yet inside her, she knew how hot it made her to just think about that night. She knew if she could, she would do it again.

The GenSex crave had taken over her. Joanne had come to realize who she really was. A slut. A total sex fiend. When she took the stuff, it came out of her like a caged animal. On the surface, Joanne hated it. Deep down into the depths of her soul, however, she loved every moment and couldn’t wait for the next one.

Every morning she’d glance out the window down the block to my house. ...

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