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The Quick Encounterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 2078 words)

Author: shywife Picture in profile
Added: Aug 26 2001Views / Reads: 10154 / 9086 [89%]Story vote: 9.38 (8 votes)
When Valerie stops into a roadside garage with car trouble, the mechanic gives her a tune up she'll never forget.

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THE QUICK ENCOUNTER (Jared and Valerie's story)

Valerie had been driving for ten hours straight, stopping only to gas up once, when she noticed the temperature gauge start to rise on the dash of her '89 Mustang GT. She turned the heater on to try and cool the engine, and growled in disgust.

Great, she thought, this is just what I need. Im never going to get there. Valerie Belle had been able to pack everything she owned into two large suitcases, when she finally decided she had had enough of Todd's bullshit and left him. She had called her sister in Mirancy, who had been more than willing to take her in, after she told her it was about time and given her a lecture on why she should have "dumped his ass" a long time ago.

So here she was about one hundred and fifty miles from where she needed to be and the car gives out. Luckily she had passed a small convenience store/service station about half a mile back and quickly turned around. When she pulled in she noticed a small country looking store with a what looked like a regular two car garage attached to it. One of the bays to the garage was closed, the other opened. Val noticed a man standing between the two bays, leaned up against the wall smoking a cigerette. She pulled her mustang up in front of the open bay, turned the engine off and got out. She noticed the man was wearing faded blue jeans with grease covering a good portion of them and a grey shirt with ...

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