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Girlsexthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 2949 words)

Author: Gentle_angel
Added: Aug 31 2001Views / Reads: 8056 / 6914 [86%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Jack and i went to a party. We met a girl that blew our minds. funny, tho? she went home with ME.....

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Walking into a party where you know very few people, can be traumatic can't it? I know how that feels. Jack had came home last week and told me about this new guy that had just transferred from the Chicago office. Apparently, this guy had worked in Jack's office several years ago and was throwing himself a "Welcome Back" party. Don't get me wrong, I love to go to a party, but at the same time groups of strangers make me feel a little bit shy. But always game for something new and interesting, I was excited by the invitation that Tony had extended to us.

On the appointed evening, I went to a little more trouble than usual with my appearance, wanting to look nice for Jack. Finally deciding that a long black skirt with a high slit and an emerald green blouse would be the right choice, I did my hair carefully and got dressed. Jack took me to dinner before we went to the party and we had a very good meal. In fact, the conversation and food were so nice, I was trying to give him signals that I was almost convinced a "private party for two" was more what I had in mind for the remainder of the evening.

Undaunted from his agenda, Jack paid the bill and led me out of the restaurant. We drove to a very nice neighborhood across town. Impressed visibly, I was staring at the house as I waited for Jack to open my door for me. The rooms were filled with lovely people talking amicably and laughter was echoing everywhere. At first, I could feel the "I don't know anyone here" panic starting. Although once I got a ...

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