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Vacation Interludethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 760 words)

Author: Naughtyadventurer
Added: Sep 04 2001Views / Reads: 1889 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
Two attractive strangers discover each other on a quiet beach.

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It was a hot summer afternoon on a quiet and lonely beach in southern Italy. The small, pretty Asian girl had been walking down the shore for what felt like hours. While she usually enjoyed showing her body at public beaches, and she definitely enjoyed watching other people's bodies, on that day, she was in the mood for quiet privacy.

Finally she found a place that satisfied her. The sand was beautiful, the water was deep blue, and the nearby trees protected the area from random eyes. She carefully set up her lounge chair, draped her towel over it, unhooked her bikini top, stepped out of her bottoms and settled in for the afternoon.

The sun roasted her naked body and before long her eyes grew heavy and she drifted off to sleep.

She awoke a short time later... she sensed something. A young man stood only a few yards away. It looked like he had just arrived; his back was to her as he gazed out across the ocean. He didn't seem to have noticed her.

Her eyes moved over his body: he was tall, and muscular... and naked. His body was well tanned, except for a white strip where his briefs usually went. He turned, as if to walk further down the beach, nearer to the girl. Then he paused.


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