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anal virginthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 2270 words)

Author: Gentle_angel
Added: Sep 08 2001Views / Reads: 10776 / 8605 [80%]Story vote: 9.09 (11 votes)
hrm? have you tried anal sex? you should......it is WONDERFUL!!! this is the first time i gave it a whirl!

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Gentle_angel has been interviewed! Click here to read interview.

I remember I had always been terrified at the thought of anal sex. However, deep down, I will admit to always having a huge curiosity about it. It scared me, but still... My first time had always been something we had talked about. He liked it a lot. Loved it in fact, probably. I wanted to, but at the same time, I couldn't imagine something that sized being shoved up my ass. So there I was, wanting to but scared. We actually hadn't talked about it for awhile. So the whole thing took me completely by surprise.

I had always envisioned a great deal of pain. I had my ideas about anal sex from, ok, from reading about prisoners. That was my whole mental picture. But at the same time, so many people I know just raved about it. He had always said, if the doer was considerate, there didn't have to be any pain involved. I wanted to believe, especially since I had a girlfriend that swore her best orgasms came from anal.

I remember I was getting ready to go to work. Leisurely wandering around the house with coffee and a cigarette, watching the news and waking up slowly. He appeared in the doorway to the living room. That in and of itself was a notable occasion. He was never functional in the morning, he just staggered into the shower, put his clothes on, and played zombie out to the car. So I was a little surprised to be greeting a wide-awake and relatively cheerful boyfriend.

He sat down next to me, took a drag off my cigarette, and a sip of my ...

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