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The Neighbor Ladythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2616 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: Wilkie
Added: Sep 08 2001Views / Reads: 4609 / 4266 [93%]Part vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Our trusty main character takes the show on the road and develops the plan to get our neighbor lady even. or does he?

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The Neighbor Lady part 3

I usually don't write stories of this length. Please read the other parts. To any frustrated English teachers out there. rather than bust my chops over voice and grammer, feel free to edit my work and email me a copy. I will gladly re-publish credit you as an editor.

Summary of part 1: Neighbor lady gets caught with nude pictures on the web. Our main character takes advantage of her. he then offers to help her out of her Dilemma. Summary of part 2: Main character fixes the mean photographer and finds out how submissive the Neighbor lady really is.

I had another quick paying job to do for a local network-consulting firm. I set up my team for that and worked on the layout and planning that evening. Early the next morning I had most of the groundwork done and decided to catch a few hours sleep. I arose just in time to see Janice leaving for the spa. From across the street she looked plain and nondescript. She was wearing just a pair of tights and a huge sweatshirt over the top. I wondered if I had pushed her to far the other day.

I arrived at the spa just in time to catch the end of the aerobics class. As usual there were a group of the local jocks watching the girls through the window. As I approached I heard two of them talking ...

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