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Hunter's Deskthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:oral sex, 2038 words)

Author: Yossarian
Added: Sep 20 2001Views / Reads: 8872 / 7505 [85%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
A story of the day I got stuck under my boss's desk during a meeting, and the consequences.

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Hunter's desk By Ouijum

I was starting to get more than a little worried about the rumors going around the office that there were going to be serious layoffs starting the next month. I was especially fearful because my job was not especially vital to the corporation, and I would probably be one of the first to go. That is why I was snooping around the board room on that morning; I was trying to find Hunter, my boss, and confront him head on about the layoffs. I was in the board room, half looking for him, half looking around for official memos, or anything of the sort, when I heard people walk up to the door.

"Shit!" I thought, as I dove under the nearest thing, which happened to be the head of the table. Okay, so it may not have been the best idea at the time, but I couldn't think of anything else to do. I'm not a quick thinker, but who cares? I'm well built, with pale green eyes, short brown hair, which I wear spiked, and a 7 and a half inch cock. It doesn't matter how fast I think.

This area of the desk I was trapped in was a small compartment, isolated from the rest of the table. I heard the other members of the meeting sit down, but I couldn't see them. So I sat there, under the table, wondering what the hell I was going to do next, when Hunter sat down in the chair right in front of me. Hunter was about 6 foot 3, and although he wore suits most days, on casual days, and at company functions, he ...

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