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One Daythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 1501 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: BerryHouse
Added: Sep 24 2001Views / Reads: 4124 / 3399 [82%]Part vote: 7.75 (4 votes)
I took a mental health day from work one day. One of my co-workers stops by to check up on me. I am writing erotic stories about her and me. She reads it and we both need a release.

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One Day

One day, I was taking a "mental health" day at home. It was about lunchtime and I was sitting at the kitchen table writing some erotic stories to upload to the Internet. I was dressed only in my silk boxers and the front door was open to let the sunshine in.

All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. I looked up and saw one of my coworkers standing at the door. I had mentioned to Connie that I may not be at work that day and she was taking the day off to run some errands. All of a sudden I realized what I had on (or really what I didn't have on) and Connie was standing there looking right at me. What should I do?

I figured that since she had been standing there looking at me and I couldn't get by the door to get more clothes, I might as well let her in. Since I was writing some arousing stuff, I hoped Connie wouldn't notice my bulge as it deflated.

"Hi, Connie! Come on in. I wasn't expecting company so the place is a mess. Do you want a drink?"

"I guess you weren't expecting anyone dressed like that, but don't change for me. Yes, I would like something. Do you have a beer or wine cooler?" ...

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