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Tonya & JZthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 2799 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: necromancer120
Added: May 25 2000Views / Reads: 3940 / 3185 [81%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
College girls do there best to humiliate one another.

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Tonya & JZ (FF, FM) Part1 Send remarks to necromancer120@hotmail.com

Part1 Tonya arched her rear off of her dorm bed, the humming of the silver vibrator muffled as she buried the smooth shaft into her pussy. Her long legs were spread with her feet planted apart against the baseboard, knees bent. Her rising mound meeting the humming vibrator allowing for a deeper penetration, the thick strip of deep red pubic hair was matted to her vulva by the moistness generated by her frantic masturbation.

This was the first week of classes for Tonya, now in her sophomore year at MU, and the stress of getting back into the school had her body aching for some sexual release. Her roommate, JZ, a petite girl originally from Cairo, Egypt, had returned for her second year at MU and her second year as Tonya's roommate. JZ's last class of the day was all the way on the other side of campus which usually allowed Tonya a short 20 minutes of time before her roommate made it back to the dorm.

On a normal day Tonya would have grabbed a snack and hit the books. The sooner the studying was done the sooner her evening would be free to do as she pleased. Today she couldn't stand it any longer. She had been back at the dorm for two weeks now and had only had one orgasm and that had taken place in the women's shower at 3 a.m. with the fear of being caught.


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