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Hot College Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2628 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Dylan
Added: Sep 26 2001Views / Reads: 11839 / 10663 [90%]Part vote: 8.00 (6 votes)
Sara was captain of the college tennis team. Long black hair, an exquisite California-girl face, high cheek bones, a cute upturned nose. And what a body. This is the story of a night, a party and my incredible luck with Sara and another member of the team

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Hot College Night

Sara was the captain of the college tennis team. Long black hair, an exquisite California-girl face, high cheek bones, a cute upturned nose, freckles. And what a body. Tennis matches were well attended by serious fans and serious gawkers alike. Watching Sara’s long tanned legs sprint all over the court, her short tennis skirt regularly flicking up to reveal white panties that occasionally crept up just the slightest, showing a curved and delicious bit of ass, heavenly way to spend a spring afternoon.

Around campus, Sara wore tight jeans and tops that hugged her perfect grapefruit sized breasts, which seemed to defy all known scientific principle. Some days, usually when the sun finally came out and the campus came to life in spring, she’d wear sun dresses that barely made it to mid-thigh. She’d lie on the quad on a blanket, sometimes with other members of the team, particularly twins named Kris and Karen, blonde hotties in their own right who also dressed to kill in tight little skirts and strappy tank tops. When these three splayed out on the grass it was almost too much to bear. So much tight young skin on display. They’d lay back and flash glimpses of white panties pulled tightly across what could only be the sweetest, freshest pussies imaginable. Tops would slip open showing a hint tanned breasts.

I was a frat guy, ex-jock turned casual stoner/intellectual/Frisbee golf ...

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