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Helenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1364 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Racy
Added: Sep 29 2001Views / Reads: 4466 / 3517 [79%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A long tiring day at work ended with a surprise encounter to remember - all feedback, good or bad is welcome.

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What a day. I'd had wall-to-wall meetings from 8.00am straight through to 4.00pm and was absolutely done in. As I returned to my office, my mobile phone was ringing and it was my best friend John.

"Hi mate, any chance you can sneak away for a few early evening drinks at the country club? – a few of us are already here and it looks like it could turn into quite a good night"

"On my way – be there in 20, you have no idea how much I need a drink"

My secretary was not at her desk so I left her a quick note to say that I was leaving early and would see her bright and early the next morning.

Now I've been separated for a couple of years and it was a night when the children were staying over at their mothers' so I was footloose and free for the night. A couple of drinks and a decent meal were definitely what the doctor ordered after the day I'd had!

I jumped into the car, put David Gray on the CD and drove up to the country club. As I walked through the door, I immediately knew that it could be a really good night. John was at the bar surrounded by 5 young ladies. I knew 4 of them as they worked at my place but my eyes were ...

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