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At Last! For two friends (Chapter 3)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1388 words) [3/6] show all parts

Author: Katchel4u
Added: Oct 04 2001Views / Reads: 1238 / 1053 [85%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Rach teases Jim while making breakfast.

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At Last! For two friends.

Chapter 3.

I awoke to the clatter of someone in my kitchen. It took me a while to remember that Rach was staying with me. I big smile crossed my face when I remembered my last thought before I finally fell asleep last night. I lay in bed daydreaming about this beautiful amazing friends of mine until I could stand it no longer, I just had to see her in the flesh. I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom before I went to investigate what the noises were that were coming from my kitchen, although I did have a fair idea. I walked down the hallway and entred the kitchen and I had to stop in my tracks and look at the perfect sight that stood before me, bending over in the cupboard underneath the sink looking for a frying pan, was the most perfect bare arse that I had ever seen in my entire life. Rach just had on a long T-Shirt, I stood there in amazement, I could not beleive that the sights of all of my fantasies were standing there right in front of me. My cock rose from fast asleep to a raging hard on in a matter of a millisecond.I could not control my voice either I let out a tortured moan which made Rach aware that she was not alone any longer. She turned her head to look at me but did not get up from her position under the sink,(which really did amaze me then!) and said to me "Good Morning sweety" with a mischeivious grin on her face. I knew that very second that she had heard my masturbation last night and my declaration that it was all for ...

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