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HartThrob Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (mm:romantic, 5503 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Tyler
Added: Oct 10 2001Views / Reads: 524 / 444 [85%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
As Gabriel and Michael's relationship continues slowly but surely, Gabriel's friends join the fun, sending emotions skyward and relationships forward. Enjoy!

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More of my pet project. Send any mail to shinji91580@aol.com if you like.

Warning: This story is about gay men in love and who occasionally get a little down and dirty. Not you're cup of tea? See ya! If it is indeed your cup of tea, enjoy this next installment!

I woke as the sun rose up and hit my window. The sun's rays cascaded in and reached my room with his beautiful golden arms, filling it with warmth and light. I turned to see what time it was when I noticed that old feeling of waking up to someone else in the bed. Gabriel lay there, his hands over his head, one leg over the side of the bed and his neck craned in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. Carefully I crept out of bed and tiptoed to the dresser, rummaging through the top drawer and pulling out my camera. Too precious for words, I decided to snap a photo of the man-boy and let it speak for itself. I actually got a couple pictures in before the clicking and advance of the camera woke the slumbering angel.

"Good morning, sunshine," I smiled and put the camera back in the drawer. Gabriel sat up in the bed and rubbed his eyes.

"How did you sleep?" I asked as I walked over to the bed and sat down, lying parallel to him.


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