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The Conferencethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 4705 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Bulldog Breed
Added: Oct 22 2001Views / Reads: 4429 / 3536 [80%]Part vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
I had known Ray for a decade; we had become friends but I wanted more; his cherry, I knew it would be his first time, but was it?

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The Conference.

By Bulldog Breed.

Ray was a porter when I first spotted him. He delivered some equipment to our department and I had to sign for it and we just started talking. We just hit it off; he asked me all about my job, what training was required, what qualifications were needed. I told him who to contact, the then head of training and development for our organisation and I told him I would have a word. To cut a very long story short he ended up, ten years later working for me. I had by this time become the Head of Training and Development for our organisation and Ray was my assistant.

He wasn’t what you would call classically handsome but there was something about him that was attractive. He was tall about six feet two inches, well made but not fat, not muscular but he had a large frame, he also had large hands and feet. His face was regular and masculine, with a strong jaw; a high forehead above pale blue eyes gave him an air of intelligence. His best feature (above the waist that is) had to be his incredible sexy mouth; it was wide, generous, sensual with cushion shaped lips not pink but bruised red, lips that were made for kissing, sucking.......

The overall impression he gave was one of being incredibly gauche even ...

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