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Steve becomes a sissy part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 3522 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Lacieman
Added: Nov 04 2001Views / Reads: 1309 / 989 [76%]Part vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
After part 2, Steve is discovered by a guy at a party. Many opportunities face Steve at the end of this story.

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Becomes a sissy - part 3

Entering the bathroom, I stripped off my sweat and cum drenched outfit. Entering the shower, I began to wash off all the fresh sex that had just happened. I had become a mindless slave to Dr. Craig. Only wanting to serve him and do as he commanded. In my mind, I knew right and wrong but the spell that he had me under was too strong. My body was more of a puppet, doing exactly as he commanded. I wondered to myself if I would ever have the ability to break his control. Those thoughts were quickly erased by the task at hand, which was to soap my entire body in the refreshingly warm water, cleaning thoroughly as master has prescribed.

Master had also made an effort to make sure I not only was a good slave but a fit slave. Over the few short weeks that I had been his, I began a strict regimen of working out and eating a much healthier diet. Friends noticed that I had become much more fit, I explained it as master had told me to: It was a major life decision to get in good shape for my life. I actually became the target of more women as I increased my physical health. They would want to talk to me, flirt and ask me out often but I refused, saving myself for the private pleasures that the Doctor would let me experience.

All the while, I kept panties on 24/7. The spell cast by the panties kept me in line. Unable to break the commands he laid down, I remained ...

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