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Me? Model?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2499 words)

Author: P. Hewlett
Added: Nov 08 2001Views / Reads: 9627 / 8742 [91%]Story vote: 8.50 (10 votes)
My friend's mom needs to practice her photography. I reluctantly agree to help. It was a life changing experience. (Ever lust after a much older woman? I definitely had someone in mind when I wrote this.)

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Me? Model?

My friend Jonny Hay and I had grown up a block apart. His dad had died when he was sixteen, and the family was devastated. Jonny’s older sister soon got into [censored] and was who-knows-where. Jonny’s mom tried to be strong, but was deeply affected. This was a terrible time for them, so my family did our best to be supportive.

Eight years later, Mrs. Hay was still single and worked as a receptionist. She found it very unfulfilling and decided to go into free-lance photography, something she had not done since college. Jonny had recently moved to New Zealand to work odd jobs while having a good time. I had just returned to my home town, buying into a local grocery store. By this time, I had no family around and was looking for a house to buy. There was nothing worth it on the market. What was I going to do?

I decided to give Mrs. Hay a call because she knew everybody in town.

“Yo, Mrs. Hay. What up?!” I barked over the phone, using one of our little inside jokes.

“Oh my God. It’s that goofy little Zack,” she replied laughing, “I heard you were back in town.”


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