This way you can see better, what the FanClub has to offer! If you want to view the full pictures and download the videos, please join the FanClub here! |
MP4 (H264) format:
Newer format, resulting in better quality for the same size video. If you can play them, use these instead of the WMV versions. Newer videos also come as High Definition in this format.The lower quality versions in MP4 should work well on mobile devices.
Windows Media (WMV), old format:
As the name states, supported well by Windows (even on old versions). This is the format used since day one on this site. Can be played with Windows mediaplayer.
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Dark haired lady plays with herself. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (51 MB) | medium (108 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4
Full: low quality (78 MB) | medium quality (156 MB)
Lady is into healthy food (and the food into her..). (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (45 MB) | medium (95 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3
Full: low quality (68 MB) | medium quality (136 MB)
Blond lady plays with a dildo. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (86 MB) | medium (182 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (127 MB) | medium quality (261 MB)
To get you in the Christmas mood, here a lovely lady in fitting dress. Also see the pics posted today. (Tomorrow will feature this lady together with another lady..) (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (99 MB) | medium (209 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7
Full: low quality (139 MB) | medium quality (297 MB)
Blond plays with a gold dildo. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (80 MB) | medium (169 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (119 MB) | medium quality (242 MB)
Blond with big tits plays with a dildo. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (75 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5
Full: low quality (97 MB)
Petite lady playing in the tub. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (63 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4
Full: low quality (84 MB)
Blond lady playing with a dildo. Also see her pictures posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (71 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4
Full: low quality (94 MB)
Dark haired lady playing with a dildo. Also see her pictures posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (79 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5
Full: low quality (103 MB) | medium quality (269 MB)
Blond lady playing with a dildo. Also see her pictures posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (89 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (118 MB)
Blond lady playing with a dildo. Also see her pictures posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (91 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (121 MB)
Brunette playing with a dildo. Also see her pictures posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (96 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (128 MB)
Dark haired lady playing with a big dildo. Also see her pictures posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (85 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (113 MB)
Blond lady with a silver dildo on the couch. Also see her pictures posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (74 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5
Full: low quality (99 MB)
Blond lady with a dildo on the couch. Also see her pictures posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (70 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5
Full: low quality (91 MB) | medium quality (202 MB)
Blond lady with a glass dildo on the couch. Also see her pictures posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (85 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (110 MB) | medium quality (218 MB)
Slender brunette playing. Also see her picture gallery posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (102 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7
Full: low quality (136 MB)
Dark haired lady playing on the couch. Also see her picture gallery posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (96 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (128 MB)
Slender lady with long dark hair plays with a dildo. Also see her picture gallery posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (64 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4
Full: low quality (85 MB)
Slender brunette with a dildo. Also see her picture gallery posted today. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (99 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7
Full: low quality (132 MB)
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