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MP4 (H264) format:
Newer format, resulting in better quality for the same size video. If you can play them, use these instead of the WMV versions. Newer videos also come as High Definition in this format.The lower quality versions in MP4 should work well on mobile devices.
Windows Media (WMV), old format:
As the name states, supported well by Windows (even on old versions). This is the format used since day one on this site. Can be played with Windows mediaplayer.
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Blond lady with a guy on the couch. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (131 MB) | medium (277 MB) | HD 720p (536 MB) | HD 1080p (1054 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8 |
part 9
Full: low quality (196 MB) | medium quality (394 MB)
Redhead with a guy. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (116 MB) | medium (246 MB) | HD 720p (477 MB) | HD 1080p (939 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8
Full: low quality (175 MB) | medium quality (351 MB)
Brunette with a guy on the couch. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (118 MB) | medium (249 MB) | HD 720p (482 MB) | HD 1080p (949 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8
Full: low quality (177 MB) | medium quality (356 MB)
Couple on the bed. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (149 MB) | medium (314 MB) | HD 720p (608 MB) | HD 1080p (1194 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8 |
part 9 |
part 10
Full: low quality (222 MB) | medium quality (446 MB)
Brunette with a guy. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (92 MB) | medium (195 MB) | HD 720p (379 MB) | HD 1080p (745 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (139 MB) | medium quality (279 MB)
Couple on the bed. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (113 MB) | medium (238 MB) | HD 720p (462 MB) | HD 1080p (910 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8
Full: low quality (170 MB) | medium quality (341 MB)
Couple on the couch. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (69 MB) | medium (145 MB) | HD 720p (282 MB) | HD 1080p (554 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5
Full: low quality (102 MB) | medium quality (206 MB)
Blond lady with a guy. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (112 MB) | medium (236 MB) | HD 720p (457 MB) | HD 1080p (898 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8
Full: low quality (167 MB) | medium quality (336 MB)
Couple working out. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (141 MB) | medium (296 MB) | HD 720p (575 MB) | HD 1080p (1130 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8 |
part 9 |
part 10
Full: low quality (211 MB) | medium quality (422 MB)
A massage with extras. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (103 MB) | medium (218 MB) | HD 720p (423 MB) | HD 1080p (832 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7
Full: low quality (154 MB) | medium quality (278 MB)
Brunette with a guy. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (157 MB) | medium (330 MB) | HD 720p (641 MB) | HD 1080p (1261 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8 |
part 9 |
part 10 |
part 11
Full: low quality (236 MB) | medium quality (473 MB)
Slender lady with a guy on the couch. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (114 MB) | medium (239 MB) | HD 720p (464 MB) | HD 1080p (913 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8
Full: low quality (171 MB) | medium quality (343 MB)
Dark haired lady with a guy on the couch. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (122 MB) | medium (256 MB) | HD 720p (496 MB) | HD 1080p (978 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8 |
part 9
Full: low quality (185 MB) | medium quality (372 MB)
Brunette with a guy. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (106 MB) | medium (224 MB) | HD 720p (434 MB) | HD 1080p (854 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7
Full: low quality (159 MB) | medium quality (320 MB)
Couple on the couch. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (96 MB) | medium (203 MB) | HD 720p (394 MB) | HD 1080p (775 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7
Full: low quality (144 MB) | medium quality (260 MB)
Lady blowing a guy. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (63 MB) | medium (134 MB) | HD 720p (259 MB) | HD 1080p (510 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5
Full: low quality (95 MB) | medium quality (190 MB)
Lady gets a massage. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (118 MB) | medium (249 MB) | HD 720p (482 MB) | HD 1080p (948 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8
Full: low quality (176 MB) | medium quality (343 MB)
Blond lady with a guy. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (90 MB) | medium (191 MB) | HD 720p (371 MB) | HD 1080p (728 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6
Full: low quality (135 MB) | medium quality (271 MB)
Couple on the couch. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (187 MB) | medium (395 MB) | HD 720p (765 MB) | HD 1080p (1506 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8 |
part 9 |
part 10 |
part 11 |
part 12 |
part 13
Full: low quality (282 MB) | medium quality (564 MB)
Couple on the couch. (preview pics)
MP4 (H264) format:
Quality: low (157 MB) | medium (331 MB) | HD 720p (640 MB) | HD 1080p (1259 MB)
Windows Media (WMV) format:
part 1 |
part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
part 5 |
part 6 |
part 7 |
part 8 |
part 9 |
part 10 |
part 11
Full: low quality (234 MB) | medium quality (469 MB)
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