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robotic dick-milking machinethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 4282 words)

Author: faceless_individual
Added: Dec 05 2001Views / Reads: 3017 / 2636 [87%]Story vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
"I need to test some equipment that I have designed." Emily said as she lubricated his large semi-erect organ with petroleum jelly, admiring its veined shaft and bulbous head. "It’s a device that draws semen using a robotic milking action.

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The year is 2068. Biological weapons of modern times have been designed with the specific purpose of causing mass sterilization among human males. Although none of these weapons has been detonated, the threat is very, very real, and a plan for contingency is imperative.

Not wanting to take any chances, the government has contracted with a roboticist specializing in reproductive efficiency named Emily Simms to create methods of maximizing ejaculatory productivity in human males.

In the event of a disaster, this technology could be used on males unaffected by the sterilization to continue creating enough healthy sperm to allow society to perpetuate itself. Dr. Simms was given half a year and a substantial government grant to complete here task. Our story begins at the end of those first six months...


Dr. Emily Simms had just completed the final assembly of -the prototype for her robotic penis milking machine and was taking a moment to reflect on the six months of planning and hard work that it had taken to get to this point. Penis milking had been an obsession of hers since ...

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