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1st Asian Experiencethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:asian/oriental, 1116 words)

Author: bigasianfan
Added: Jan 20 2002Views / Reads: 3974 / 0 [0%]Story vote: 6.50 (2 votes)
This story is about my first sexual experience with an amazingly hott asian woman.

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This is a true story of my first experience with a woman of another race. MF

The weather was amazing at the Minnesota Kicks soccer game. It was kind of warm, around 80 degrees, with a relaxing breeze blowing through. The team was kicking the crud outta some team from Ohio. I had been dating Jackie for less than a month, and she was looking as hot as ever. She was wearing short shorts, showing off her hott tight butt, and she was wearing a cute, tight little tank top that showed off her braless juggs. Her face is cute, kind of round, kinda pudgy, filled with great smiles. I think my favorite part of her has to be that amazing rack. She is Viatnamese, adopted into an American family from Chicago. We had met through work. It would seem from time I have spent checking out every possible female on the planet that Asian girls don't tend to have amazing racks. But hers was. I had long lusted to see them, touch them, feel them, and suckle them.

The game proceeded on, the home team won, the banners flew, the horns rang out, and we hit the road. The decision was to head back to the place I was staying for the summer and watch a movie. I had barely made any moves on Jackie by this time. I was scared to death because she was so amazingly hott. We decided on a movie and retired to the basement to watch it. We watched the beginning and I noticed Jackie was getting sleepy. I offered her some soda, or something to drink, and she just said, you can keep me awake, and she pulled me in. ...

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