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Meeting the couple...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2179 words)

Author: John
Added: Jan 20 2002Views / Reads: 2545 / 2151 [85%]Story vote: 9.00 (7 votes)
I dominate a couple for the weekend. First of many episodes...

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Their house was like many others in the area. Nice, well kept, elegant, but not overly expensive. It was, simply put, a nice neighborhood of young families and neat lawns. Mid-sized cars and SUVs lined the driveways and parked on the street - what you would expect from any other neighborhood in America. I smiled to myself as I checked the address and pulled my car to the side.

I don't know who's watching, but I can see the front curtain move slightly. I smile to myself. "Good," I think. They're nervous. That will keep the energy level high while we meet.

I really really back up a bit. We met online several weeks past - through a matchmaker site for alternative lifestyles. I met the husband first, by sending them an email. Their profile expressed their interest in having a dominating personality lead them and teach them. Someone who could and would allow them to explore their submissive desires.

What they didn't realize, is it wasn't about me. It was about them and their explorations. They only needed a catalyst. Someone who can walk them through the terrain, push them into places they may not normally go. Nudge them to do things they had thought of but would never bring up. And that's what I enjoy. Taking the lead.

We conversed for a bit through emails - sending each other photos of us ...

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