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The Handsome Strangerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2885 words)

Author: xsofteyes
Added: Jan 30 2002Views / Reads: 1797 / 1468 [82%]Story vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
she adored her Master, and loved the way He always came up with new ways for her to serve Him, but never did she ever expect anything like this

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The Handsome Stranger

She sat in her car in the parking lot of the motel waiting anxiously for her Master to arrive. It was not like Him to be late and she was worried as she glanced at her watch. If anyone was usually late it was she. Master was always punctual. Perhaps He was tied up at work beyond the point of time He had told her He would be leaving.

As she sat there waiting, she noticed a handsome gentleman pull into the parking space next to her car. He looked over at her and smiled, she looked around thinking to herself that certainly He wasn't smiling at her, and she became a little uncomfortable. He sat there for a few minutes just looking at her before getting out of His vehicle.

She watched as He walked to the motel office, admiring His trim muscular body, dressed in khaki pants and tan shirt, feeling somewhat guilty that she was admiring Him while waiting for her Master. As He disappeared into the office she thought no more of Him, and laid her head back on her seat and closed her eyes wondering what wicked games her Master had in store for her today. She adored her Master and looked forward to being with Him today as she did every time that they were together.

Just then she heard a slight knock on her window, it startled her, but she smiled knowing it would be her Master. She opened her eyes and ...

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