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Massage My Wifethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1585 words)

Author: Stan
Added: Mar 23 2002Views / Reads: 7821 / 6512 [83%]Story vote: 7.94 (17 votes)
At her husband's suggestion, a conservative wife agrees to a sensual massage by another man while he watches.

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Massage My Wife

My attractive and straight-laced wife of eight years just reach 36 and her sexual desires are increasing. One of our new pleasures is keeping her pussy clean-shaven. About once a month, I gladly do the honors while she is spread across my desk. She likes the feel of her lips rubbing together as she walks. Recently, while rubbing her back after a shave, I jokingly suggested I find a masseur that makes house calls. I was surprised and excited when she was receptive to the idea. When she saw how interested I was in making it happen, she said she would be getting a massage out of the deal but wanted to know what was in it for me. I took a chance and divulged that the thought of watching another man put his hands all over her made me hot. She handled that well so I then suggested finding someone to give her a nude, full body massage. She was both apprehensive and intrigued by the thought and agreed to it as long as I was in the same room. Was she kidding? Same room? Hell, I wouldn't miss it for the world!

There are no sensual massage parlors in this town so I settled for a professional from the phone book. He came to the house and gave her a good massage but followed the "proper" rules of only exposing from under her sheet the portion of her nude body he was working on at a given time. Afterward, when she said it was a pleasant experience, I was honest with her and told her I had fun watching but was disappointed that he never saw or touched her large white breasts or ...

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