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Office Hoursthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2159 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Lynm35
Added: Mar 31 2002Views / Reads: 12685 / 11419 [90%]Part vote: 8.17 (6 votes)
James finds that two of his staff have been defrauding the company. He could take legal action, or...

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Judith entered the office and closed the door behind her, as she had been bidden. She was a bit surprised to see that Helen was already seated before James' desk; he had not mentioned that anyone else would be in the meeting - but then again, he hadn't said very much about the session at all.

James watched her walk across the room, and indicated with a wave of his hand that she should be seated next to Helen. This was all very curious: late afternoon, almost everyone had gone home already. And she had never been called into a meeting with Helen before, even although they both worked in accounts. Of course, her role was not to question, just to do; but it was strange.

James watched her sit down, openly appraising her. Of course that was no surprise: he was known as a hard-driven self-made man who tended to get what he wanted, and the rumour was that this extended beyond the boundaries of business. When he spoke, one listened, especially as he owned the company.

He leaned forward engagingly. "Thank you both for making the time. I have no doubt you will find it was worth joining me. And I must say", he laughed, "it's always a pleasure to have two such attractive women in my office."

Both women acknowledged the compliment ruefully with a smile. "You'll ...

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