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My First Threesomethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 2174 words)

Author: Larry and Laura
Added: Jun 02 2000Views / Reads: 5191 / 4361 [84%]Story vote: 8.67 (9 votes)
A man is drawn into a threesome with his buddy and his buddy's girlfriend.

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By Larry and Laura

I was over at my buddy Joe's house helping him change his spark plugs. When his cute girlfriend Penny showed up, we hurried through the job and went inside to wash up. We drank a couple of beers and watched the first half of a football game. At halftime, Joe and Penny started playing with each other - kissing, fondling and groping.

Penny asked me if I would be willing to buy her a carton of cigarettes in exchange for watching her give Joe a blowjob. "Damn straight," I said, and she immediately got to her knees and undid Joe's pants. She pulled them down, exposing an already hard cock of average size. Joe grinned and winked at me, no doubt gloating over the fact that he had a pretty little blond head bobbing on his cock when all I had was Mary Thumb and her four daughters. Penny seemed to know what she was doing and was obviously enjoying it very much. She asked me how I liked her performance. I told her I was enjoying it very much and thought she would make an outstanding porno princess. "Why aren't you masturbating, then?" she asked.

My cock was swollen to its full eight inches, so the only way I could get it out was to lower my pants a little. They ogled my cock and balls and giggled when I began to stroke it. They took off all of their ...

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