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The Last Timethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1353 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: CaseySCRM
Added: Apr 16 2002Views / Reads: 3007 / 2512 [84%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
A man with doubts about his wedding gets a surprise visit from his ex wife, who comes to him with a final plea not to marry again. And she'll do anything to get her way!

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The big day was tomorrow. He would marry for the second time. Jeff was absolutely in love with this girl and tomorrow they would begin to live the rest of their lives together. Too bad that his exwife didn't quite understand that part. Ever since he'd started dating Cameron, Stacy had been hovering around. She'd call him atleast twice a day asking stupid things or claiming there was something wrong with their daughter when all she really wanted was to hear his voice. It was beginning to annoy him. She was getting desperate, showing up at Cameron's work now to intimidate her. Cameron stayed strong though, she wasn't willing to let her insecurites of Stacy show.

While he was thinking back through all this, there was a knock at his door. Hoping it was Cameron to get his mind off Stacy, he opened the door with a big smile. Instead, there Stacy stood, looking quite pitiful. She wore nothing fancy, just jeans and a plain long sleeved shirt. She was never one to strive for fashion, unlike Cameron who wouldn't dream of letting anyone see her without her hair and makeup perfect. She asked to come in and Jeff, not wanting her to make a scene outside if he denied her, stepped aside to allow her entrance. She got right to the point as soon as she sat on the couch. Jeff lit up a cigarette.

"I don't want you to marry that girl. She's six years younger than you. She can't even legally drink yet and she's not the mother of your child like I am." Stacy pouted. ...

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