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Incident at midnightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 2978 words)

Author: educatedVirgin Picture in profile
Added: Apr 25 2002Views / Reads: 953 / 738 [77%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
He heard the rumers about the house, but thought he was prepared for whatever he saw there. He wasn't

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Davis put his shoulder to the door expecting some resistance, but the door swung open smoothly. Davis grabbed for the door knob to keep from falling on his face. The door was in better shape then it looked. He walked through a small cloak room and into the living room. The house has been abandoned since the late seventies but it's been far from vacant. Everywhere Davis looked, he saw beer cans and liquor bottes. The walls were ratty and had more then a few holes punched in them. Some of the local ‘artisans' had spray painted names and slogans on them as well. He snickered at the misspelling of one informing the world that the ‘thought police are cumming'

"Lucky thought police."

Most of the windows were boarded up and what windows that were left were covered in dirt and the late afternoon sun shone a week amber through them. Floorboards squeak under his feet as he walked to a small coffee table. He shined his flashlight into a few of the dark shadows.

"You know if I wanted to haunt somewhere, I would choose a classier place."

The house shuddered as a truck passed in front. "Hay," he said in mock terror, "just an opinion."

He cleaned off the top of the coffee table and placed his pack on top. ...

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