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Bella set him up Part 3 (Best read after part 2!)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1468 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Sharkey
Added: Apr 27 2002Views / Reads: 3201 / 3022 [94%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
Bella almost scares the young man off. Skillfully, she manipulates his mind and cock closer to the source of that musky cinnamon scented source between her legs...

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Bella's set up Part 3

This excites me. My heart beats faster. The blood surging into my groin. I shift uncomfortably forward.

`Are you comfortable? Why don't you sit on the floor?'

`Ya. It will be better.' I shift my huge frame to the floor and sits cross-legged in front of class-covered table. My eyes are now on the same level as her slightly spread knees. They move wider as she shifts forward to take another sip of her drink. I see her panty covered mound momentarily. before she shifts back closing them slightly again.

`Do you masturbate, Shakes?' BOOM!

`Uhh. uhhh.'

`Come now, come now. You agreed! I want a true answer!'


`What excites you?'

`Okay. Be fair, you had your chance. I also need to know something.'


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