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Author: Pleasured
Added: May 03 2002Views / Reads: 12224 / 10273 [84%]Part vote: 8.70 (10 votes)
My sister-in-law comes to visit, and we all cum. Threesomes, mff. Looking for feedback.

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It was Saturday morning and the three of us were sitting around the breakfast table reading the paper and talking over our after breakfast coffee. Ginny, my wife, is a brunette about 5'6", and put together quite nicely. Marge (or Maggie), her sister is blond, about 5'5", and just as nicely put together. Both are fairly athletic, and it shows in their firm bodies and the graceful way they move. Maggie had just been transferred to our area, and had arrived the night before to stay with us for a few weeks until she could find a place of her own.

One of the big topics in the paper that morning had been a rather long article on Internet porn, and how it should be banned. Ginny wanted to know what the big deal on Internet porn was, and why so many of the writers seemed to think that civilization as we know it would come to an end if it wasn't stopped. After some discussion on this, I told them that I didn't think that talking about porn without knowing what was available was really no more realistic than some of the more conservative commentators. If we wanted to take an informed position we should go see what was actually available on the net, and make our arguments based on that rather than on pure guesswork. Maggie thought this was a great idea, so off to our home office we went.

Once there, I brought my computer up and went to one of the search engines and typed in XXX to see what came back. Of course we got ...

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