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Exposed at the Office 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 2640 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: May 22 2002Views / Reads: 2276 / 1869 [82%]Part vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
After winning the dare, she has to go collect her winnings naked. But when a new opportunity is surprisingly revealed, there are still several unanswered questions, and possibly a new beginning. Vote high and send feedback please.

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This story and all it's parts, is entirely fictional and was created and developed entirely by me, the author. Any similarity to any other story, movie plotline or real event is purely coincidental and unintended. As always any people, places, events or products mentioned or named is done so without permission or endorsement. Please vote high and send feedback, as I appreciate both. Try to imagine Angie Harmon as the female character.

Ok, just a quick recap this time. I hope you have read parts 1 and 2 first. First of all, even though it was not clear, the space heater was located inside the cardboard box. While it was an obscure reference and of no overall relevance to the storyline, many of you wrote me and mentioned it. Also the feeling I tried to present was that as the deadline approached, the character was more concerned with uncovering the mystery of who had set up the entire dare and bought the lingerie so quickly, than with grabbing her still drying bra and panties from Gary's bathroom. I apologize if any of this was not clear, and I hope this part makes up for that. One last thing, the impression that I hope you begin this part with, is that she has become comfortable with her nudity and is also quite overcome with excitement, despite her recent sex with Gary. So read and enjoy, and vote high please.

So there I was, sitting there at my desk naked, opening up the cards as it grew closer to 5pm and my winning of the dare. A small voice inside me told me to cover up, put something on, but I was so close to winning ...

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