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Would you like to staythis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 3579 words)

Author: Morgoth 108 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 04 2002Views / Reads: 3524 / 2591 [74%]Story vote: 7.86 (7 votes)
Sitting next to an attractive stranger on a long flight leads to discovering new ways of loving.

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"Would you like to stay?"

My heart almost leapt into my mouth when Mel asked me that question. I had been expecting it for the last half hour, as I kept repeating that I had better go, and then neither of us really did anything about me leaving.

"What do you mean?"

I knew what she meant, but I just wanted to be absolutely certain. I did not want to make a complete fool of myself - but really I knew what she meant.

"I think you know. Stay here for the night ... with me ... in my bed."

Mel smiled radiently as she spelled out exactly what she meant. The glint in her eye as she looked directly at me, head slightly to one side, told me that she knew that I already knew precisely what she had in mind.

It had been a very strange day. I had done a lot of things that I'd never done before. Now it looked as though I was about to be led, willingly, into more unfamiliar territory.

"I want to. I very much want to, but I don't know. This is all so ...

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